
Hassan Mashmoom

Hello 👋.

I always like to completely devote myself to the things that I like doing the most. Most of the time I like spending coding. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering in PA College Of Engineering, Manglore. My main interest are coding backends. Designing part is not my favourite though. My study method is Reverse Engineering, I just dont start with the basics first but I start with a project and understands the concept later!.

I intend to be a part of a reputed organization where I can constantly learn and develop my technical and management skills so as to make best use of it for the growth of the organisation. I look forward to establishing myself by adopting new technologies as well.

My Skills

Hassan mashmoom 's picture with computer and pens created usig graphics

I have done small projects using the languages I have learnt. Some of them are posted in my github account. You can refer them under my contacts tab and go through my github account.

Below are the languages that I have learnt and an average of knowledge I have in them:
















Android Studio








Machine Learning

My Major Works

1. Stalkers

Hassan 's Stalkers app pic 1 Hassan 's Stalkers app pic 2

This a flutter project. This was created in purpose to learn how to connect Flutter with an api from get request. And since I am a beginner to flutter language, this was a learning technique for me. Check the github for the source code.

2. Gamix

Hassan Mashmoom's Gamix app logo

This project was based on android studio(Java) project. This was created as a team of 4.This is an Android App which gives the game details. This was created as a part of mini project of our 6th sem MAD (Mobile Application Development) Lab subject. The app includes all the basics of java as a beginner, which includes: Login page, Database operations(Insert, Select), etc... Check the github for the source code.

Team members are:

3. Online HTML Editor

Hassan Mashmoom's Online HTML editor

This web project was created for my personel use. I had difficulties in Learning html, css or javascript in the beggining. So I always wanted to have an editor Where i can un a part of the program and check if that works fine and well. After creating this website, I have published it so that any new learners can learn the each lines of html css and javascript. This project was also a part of my 6th sem web lab project. This project is hosted online. Click here. The source code is available in the github

4. City Demonstration

Hassan Mashmoom's Demo of this project

This is a mini project done in C++ programming language using GLUT functions. This project shows the day and night in the city, and we can go through day and using mouse. The project was a part of my 6th sem mini project.

5. Airport Management System

This project was based on SQL language. It was a part of mini project in th 5th sem.

6. Battery level Indicator

This project was creating a mini project without using microcontroller.

7. Tic-Tac-Toe

Created A small Tic Tac Toe game using .NET framework in visual studio. Added the line to indicated how the player won the game. The score is also kept until the player resets it.

8. Calculator

A simple calculator. Without using any complicated calculation. Comprised of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponential. Created using visual basics. Software used: visual studio.

9. Inventory Management System

This Project is on hold due to my day to day busy schedule of learning my academics. Will be continued soon. But as far as I have completed, this project is based on the Inventory control management System created for those who have warehouse or having n-number of items in their business or shops. I have created upto adding and deleting an item, but purchasing and selling invoices are yet to create.